Thursday, April 17, 2008

Vintage Posters

Who doesn't love old-timey advertisements, movie posters, tv shows, etc.? Back when Americans were so innocent (or ignorant, if you go far enough back). I found this poster on Jezebel, and it made me think of the great ads I've read in the past. Namely, stuff like this:

But hey, I'm talking about porn, sorry for getting distracted back there. Look how PG movie ads used to be! For starters, this girl isn't anorexic, so that's nice. Also, it's a drawing! I <3 drawings. They have imagination, fun lighting, color, and they're cute. I'm especially enjoying the sexual innuendo (which is necessary, what with this being a porno). However, were I creating the poster, I think that I would have referenced a nooner at some point. Just for funsies. Then again, I like going for the easy joke. Also, as cartoon boobs go - hers are pretty great. Just saying. Finally, she this chick looks like she knows how to have a good time:

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