Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Today, In News That Shocks No One

Today, my fave lady-blog decided to do a behind-the-scenes take on science and dating. Well, not really. But, because it's the holidays and everywhere I go seems to be devoid of people (thus enhancing my boredom and lack of desire to do anything productive), I took thishandy little quiz to discover my "attachment style." Apparently, this should help me realize which types of people I should be having relationships with and which ones I shouldn't, and something else about communicating and its importance in relationships. Cutting edge stuff, guys.

I was shocked and dismayed, dear reader, to discover the following: I fall into the "dismissive" quadrant, which somehow involves a combination of low anxiety and high avoidance [NB: I was neither shocked nor dismayed. These are qualities I have known about myself since the age of 10 that are in no immediate danger of changing]. This is defined as follows (if we've ever met, prepare to be wowed):

"[D]ismissing people tend to prefer their own autonomy -- oftentimes at the expense of their close relationships. Although dismissing people have high self-confidence, they sometimes come across as hostile or competitive by others, and this often interferes with their close relationships."
Yes, I did have to answer roughly fifteen questions on a sliding scale of agreement! I only did it because at the end of the quiz, they put your response on a graph, and it kinda reminded me of 9th grade algebra with its x-axis and y-axis.
I'll try to keep this in mind for the new year.

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