Monday, June 16, 2008

Dangers of one night stands

I know you're thinking: damn it, she's about to lecture about STDs (or STIs or VD or whatever the hell we're calling them these days [note: I only ever speak of gonorrhea - because it's funny]) or pregnancy, but no worries! The latest thing that should be going through your mind if you're eying that certain hottie at the bar: if I don't call her after this night, will she show up somewhere and sear me with a branding iron??

Some crazy bitch in New York enlisted the help of her now-boyfriend to lure some poor one night stand from years earlier to a hotel room, then proceeded to brand the guy with a 24 inch high "R" (no one knows what the "R" stands for - it's not obvious like the "A" in Scarlet Letter). She was just sentenced to five years, as was the now boyfriend.

NYC Woman Gets 5 Years for Branding Ex-Lover
Dude Doesn't Call Woman Back, Woman Decides to Brand Him

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